Special Events

Ganesha Chaturthi

Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi, the festival of wisdom and prosperity, honoring Ganesha, the beacon of spontaneous completion and cosmic consciousness.

07 September 2024

Ganesha Chaturthi

Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi, the festival of wisdom and prosperity, honoring Ganesha, the beacon of spontaneous completion and cosmic consciousness.

Ganesha’s Form: A Gateway to Understanding Cosmic Intelligence

His very form is a powerful representation of the cosmos – the Yantra. Yantra means form visual expression. He is a very powerful expression of the cosmic intelligence. If you see, he has four hands. In one, the right upper hand, he is holding the noose – the Ankusha. In the left upper hand, he is holding the Pasha. In the right lower hand, he is holding the tusk, his broken tusk. In the lower left hand, he has a sweet Modaka.

Ganesha’s form is a profound representation of the cosmos, called the Yantra. In this intricate symbolism, each aspect carries deep significance. He embodies the cosmic intelligence characterized by his four hands. In his upper right hand, he wields a noose known as the Ankusha, a seemingly small instrument with immense power capable of taming even the wildest minds. This noose symbolizes the practice of unclutching, a potent key to inner transformation.

In his left hand, Ganesha carries the Pasha, representing attachment. He never allows thoughts to become binding engrams. On one side, thoughts remain as thoughts, free from attachment, as Pasha is under his control. On the other side, his Ankusha guides the unclutching process, ensuring a profound inner peace. The upper two hands signify the serenity and bliss that dwell within, while the lower right hand holds his tusk, a relic steeped in history and significance.

Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrations

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Embrace Ganesha's Divine blessings with Special Seva Offerings

Offer Pratyaksha Pada Puja To The Avatar

The happening of THE SPH BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM in our lives is the direct grace and ultimate blessing of Paramashiva. Offer your Immense Gratitude and Devotion on this Auspicious day!

Pratyaksha Pada Puja is a mark of gratitude for the health, wealth, energy, and transformation experienced in one’s life through His blessings and His presence. It is a once-in-many-lifetime opportunity to offer Pratyaksha Pada Puja to a living incarnation.

Pratyaksha Pada Puja to the Avatar is an opportunity to be in His presence (energy field) to soak in the bliss, peace, and joy that is Him. The Avatar is a storehouse of Cosmic energy constantly radiating to the world. Soaking in his energy field during the Puja leads one to the ultimate experience of body, mind, and spirit to the Divine.

The highest wealth you can acquire in the human body is the Embodied State of Consciousness, Bhava Samadhi. Puja is embodying bhakti consciousness, chit gana anubhava samadhi of bhakti, surrender, devotion, and dropping all the incompletions from the head. Embodying different states of consciousness is the purpose of all spiritual practices.

Ganapati Songs

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பொன்னார் மேனியனே | Ponnaar Meniyane

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Yemi bha​g​yamura ​​| Mahaparamashivaratri song

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கைலாயநாதர் திருப்பதிகம் | Kailaayanaathar Thirupathigam

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