Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression accepts report on persecution of ASMT Women

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The United Nations has published the fifth report in the series of reports accepting and bringing out the persecution on the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam (JGM) His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA – the revival of the ancient, enlightened Hindu civilizational nation. This recent report is by the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression incorporating the report by Kailash Union on the persecution on the SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, KAILASA, and Hindus at large. 

Since the last millennia, indigenous Hindus have faced years of untold sufferings, massacres, gang rapes, loot, enslavement, persecution; they have been unethically and forcibly converted, witnessed demolitions, desecration, looting, and grabbing of their temples, monasteries, educational institutions, and libraries. This continues through the modern-day. Many world leaders have stood in solidarity with persecuted Hindus and the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, as the United Nations has also been accepting and highlighting the persecution of the SPH and His people – the KAILASA global community.  

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is the only bold, unwavering, unsuppressed voice for persecuted Hindus. The SPH has dedicated and sacrificed His life to fight for Hindu rights and is the only Hindu voice in United Nations bringing the world’s attention to the generational Hindu genocide. 

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam has been facing persecution for over two decades, especially for His highly progressive stance on Vedic feminism, true women empowerment, and worship of primordial cosmic divinity as the divine mother (Shaktism). The main weapon for this persecution is the politically owned media in India that has been denying the basic human rights to Aboriginal Indigenous Agricultural Hindu tribes, such as the right to freedom of opinion and expression freedom – a UN Universal Human Right (Article 19). 

The attacks on the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and His community involved a massive volume of State-sponsored lawfare, vexatious litigations, assassination attempts, media terrorism, militant terrorism, state-sponsored persecution, sexual assaults and gang rape, character assassination, shaming, sexual objectification, and persecution of women, girls and even children.  

The weaponization of sexual violence targeting women and children is part of a more pervasive and systematic campaign targeting indigenous spiritual traditions, dark-skinned people, minority communities, and their leaders, especially those from linguistic and religious minority groups such as the Adi Shaiva Minority Tradition (ASMT) who are an integral part of the Aboriginal Indigenous Agricultural native-Hindu tribes that have existed in India for millennia. 

International human rights experts and agencies in the United Nations have repeatedly taken a serious note of this. 


Kailash Union has made several recommendations to international human rights organizations, countries, and particularly voiced concerns of 2 billion Hindus to the UN. The full report is available here:



The report highlighted the roots of the modern Hindu Genocide. The major matters of concern are: 

  • While the use of information and communications technology has contributed to the empowerment of women and girls, its use has also generated new forms of violence against women and girls. The use of media (both conventional and social) for negative stereotyping and persecution of women and girls, especially from marginalized communities should be studied, added to the scope of Women Observatories, and brought to check. 
  • The weaponization of media to delegitimize and persecute Hindus, particularly Hindu women, and nuns, and most concerningly deny them their right to freedom of expression. KAILASA voiced how the criminal syndicates in the guise of media houses such as in India need to be checked from using the garb of “freedom of speech” for engaging in terrorism. 
  • State-funded Terrorism is targeting Hinduism, especially minority communities and the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam who worship primordial cosmic divinity as Divine Mother the divine mother (such as Shakta traditions). 
  • Persecution by media through the use of deep-fake technology and sophisticated smear campaigns should be brought to check and condemned internationally. 
  • The absence of legal recourse is another extremely concerning problem especially in the Indian sub-continent, where court orders are not upheld and executed by the government. The governments have chosen to ignore the plight of Hindus when they are persecuted, despite the cases where courts have ruled in favor of the persecuted Hindu communities. This is especially alarming in the case of the persecution done to the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and his devotees, more so the Hindu nuns. In 2018, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam was pushed into statelessness by the Hinduphobic militant forces who have ever since been on a free run unstoppable. 

There were several recommendations made to various international bodies and governments such as supporting the victims of this Hindu genocide, by international condemnation of this violence and propaganda waged against them, and by an international demand to end this persecution. The report also strongly recommended stopping the de-Hindunization done in the guise of modernization and progress. 


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