Kailasa’s Nithyananda Yoga Receives Asia Book of Record Award for the most number of traditional yoga poses performed in the span of 1 hour

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On the International Yoga Day, 21st June 2022, KAILASA made yet another iconic record-breaking performance of the most number of traditional yoga poses performed in the span of 1 hour by a group felicitated by Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records.

In AdiKailasa Nithyananda Sarvajnapeeta a group of 30 initiated adheenavasis of KAIALSA performed all the 12 components of KAILASA’s Dvitiya Nithyananda Yoga, i.e. asana, chanting, visualization, bandha, mudra, pranayama, karana, japa, weights-lifting, mandala abharana, and aushada. The purpose of KAILASA’s Dvitiya Nithyananda Yoga is to experience bliss exploding in one’s inner space and the capacity to radiate bliss. KAILASA’s Dvitiya Nithyananda Yoga is the first-ever sequence of synchronized 308 traditional asanas performed in one hour. As the first of many gifts in the field of yoga delivered by The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam.

KAILASA is humbled to receive the award of the most number of traditional yoga poses performed in the span of 1 hour by a group from Asia book of Records and expresses our deepest gratitude to our beloved SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam for His contributions in the field of Yoga and Yogic Sciences.

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May be an image of text that says 'ASIA BOOK OF RECORDS CERTIFICATE SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam of Karnataka, India set a record for performing the maximum traditional asana in one hour. total people participated and they performed 308 traditional asanas including Sukhasana, Parvatasana, Halipavasana, Nagipava Asana, Kokilasana, Neti Asana, Gajasana, Rksasana, Vaisyasana, Balalingasana, Pada Pidanasana and many more on the international yoga day both online offline together, as confirmed on June 21, 2022. Date: RChwdury ndaBook didor-n-Ca DeepakChandraS NeaBookRer NEPAL BooofRecords FRECORDS ASIA RECORDS IPSA Caty letnam.'

The revival of the ancient Shashtanga Yoga (12-faceted yoga) through Nithyananda YogaSM is a priceless treasure and a potent spiritual treatise gifted to humanity. Nithyananda YogaSM, a compilation of 800 traditional asanas, is the science that empowers every being to realize one’s highest frequency to manifest the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness, and KAILASA of Paramashiva and permanently make it a lifestyle.

SHRIKAILASA’s Nithyananda Yoga is the compilation of all the best Yogic practices of Sanatana Hindu Dharma; the Original Yoga system revealed again for the modern man. All the asanas, mudras, bandhas, pranayamas, and more, which have been revealed by Paramashiva Himself, or His Incarnations, are presented and re-gifted to the world through the complete compilation known as Nithyananda Yoga as per the intention of Paramashiva to manifest yogic powers (shaktis). This is not some new form or style of Yoga, which is exactly what makes Nithyananda Yoga unique. It is Yoga as per the Original Source Scriptures, with only the Source scriptures as your teacher and guide. With Nithyananda Yoga, the modern Yogi can learn directly from the pearls of wisdom left by the Enlightened Masters of the past, on top of which, receive The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism’s additional revelations and guidance. 

In an extraordinary display of the powers of a yogic body and The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s initiation, participants from 44 countries aged between 16 to 74, beyond the boundaries of gender, age, culture, nationality, socio-economic backgrounds, and even physical abilities to set two Guinness World Records®, one for Largest Kundalini Rajju YogaSM class (commonly known as rope yoga) and another for Most People Performing Shivasthamba YogaSM (commonly known as pole yoga) in 2017.


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