Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India: Non-stop, day and night healing sessions and Annadhaan offered on Pournami

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During the auspicious day of Pournami (full moon), millions of pilgrims gather and circumambulate the sacred Arunachalla hilll (a.k.a. Annaamalaiyar) in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Arunachala hill (one of the five main Shiva holy places in South India) is the primal Adi Linga and the path around its base is sacred.

As part of the Ishanya Project, Sanyasis, devotees and disciples of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JGM HDH Bagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam from KAILASA’s Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham, served Annadhaan to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, Sadhus and devotees of Annaamalaiyar, and offered atma linga healing sessions, non-stop, throughout the day and night.

Annadhaan is a Sanskrit term, from ‘Annam’ meaning food, and ‘Daanam’ meaning donate. Annadhaan, an integral part of the Ishanya Project, is considered ‘Mahadhan’, the greatest donation possible, and offering Annadhaan to pilgrims earns the greatest of boons.

Our greatest appreciation and gratitude goes out to the Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham, for this huge undertaking, their selflessness and their unrelenting devotion.


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