Daily Ritual

KAILASA's Uttamotama Seva

Celebrate Holi, the festival of colors, honoring Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s vibrant life. Join KAILASA’s global festivities with Mahabishekam and Deeparathana.

Everyday, 06 PM ET | 3:30 AM IST

KAILASA's Uttamotama Seva

Celebrate Holi, the festival of colors, honoring Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s vibrant life. Join KAILASA’s global festivities with Mahabishekam and Deeparathana.

Everyday, 06 PM ET | 3:30 AM IST

Introduction to Holi

Holi is the festival of colors and it is the festival celebration of the Purnavathara Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The colorfulness of the celebration is rooted in the very story of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. His expression was so multi-dimensional and magnificent that no matter where he went, the very earth celebrated His Divine Lotus Feet! Every place where Bhagavan Sri Krishna lived has a different earth color; hence, we celebrate Krishna’s Colorful life with Holi, the festival of Colors. In KAILASA’s around the world, we celebrate the colorful life of Bhagavan Sri Krishna with the the grand Mahabishekam, Deeparathana, and Archana. In this abhishekam the sweetest of juices from various fresh fruits are offered on the deity of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and THE SPH, which concludes with an elegant offering of towered lamps in the Deeparathana.

Offer your seva

THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM revives authentic Hindu rituals from VedaAgamas to manifest your dreams into reality. Until we can manifest our reality ourselves, we can offer sevas so that Bhagavan Krishna will manifest the reality we want. Become a part of the grand sevas offered to your favorite God, Lord Krishna. Make your offering to Parandhama and experience His Power and Compassion!

Experience Subrahmanya and valli Divine blessings with Special Seva Offerings

Bhagavan Sri Krishna

Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the divine manifestation of intense life, embodies the essence of strategic brilliance in intellect, pure romance in emotion, and youthfulness in body. He stands as the epitome of the Purnavatara, where God Himself descends in human form to guide humanity towards righteousness and spiritual evolution. The life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Krishna serve as a timeless beacon of wisdom, illuminating the path for seekers on their spiritual journey to achieve eternal bliss and realization.

His divine presence resonates with the eternal truths shared by THE SPH BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM, inspiring individuals to radiate Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, and Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam. Through embracing these principles and embodying the state of Superconsciousness, one can align with the sacred teachings of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and experience profound transformation on their spiritual quest towards enlightenment.

Holi Songs

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