Special Events

KAILASA's Kalabhairava Jayanthi

The grand celebration on the day Kalabhairava manifested powerfully in the cosmos. Join us to experience the love and compassion of Kalabhairava.

23 November 2024

Kāla Bhairava is the ferocious form of Paramaśiva, manifesting the divine aspect of time and protection. He graces with eight hands and stands on the cycle of time (Kala chakra). Kāla Bhairava is the embodiment compassion and integrity, helping individuals to renounce their ego and achieve the ultimate state of Paramashivatva. He is also the eternal protector of the whole cosmos and plays a crucial role in guiding us towards enlightenment. He manifests as a ferocious wake up call to align to our guru and raise our consciousness.

Our beloved Swamiji, THE SPH BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM is the ultimate manifestation of Bhagavan Mahakalabhairava, as he has revived the science of Completion from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, for all of us to radiate and manifest fulfillment in our lives. Swamiji as Mahakalabhairava radiates the Arakarunai (the dimension of compassion that is ferocious towards our unwanted and obsessive compulsive patterns) and showers his love and compassion on all of us. THE SPH reveals that LOVE is the real power of Kalabhairava.

Offer your gratitude on Kalabhairava Jayanthi

Offer your gratitude on this auspicious occasion of Kalabhairava Jayanthi, the very time when Paramashiva manifested as Maha Kalabhairava to destroy the ego and arrogance of Brahma and shower his grace and compassion on him by bestowing the boon of radiating the space of complete completion.

Pratyaksha Pada Puja

Offering this seva on the auspicious day of Kalabhairava Jayanthi, we root out all negativities and sufferings from our lives, re-instilling deep gurubhakti in us

Alankara Seva

On this day of Kalabhairava Jayanthi, offer your gratitude and be blessed with protection, grace and blessings to manifest powerfulness and completion in your life.

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