Kotagala region, Sri Lanka: Some 2,500 articles of Clothing sent to the struggling Kotagala Region of Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is currently experiencing an on-going economic crisis of massive proportions, the greatest crisis the island state has experienced since attaining its independence back in 1948. The current crises, which was only made worse with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, is pushing millions of people into poverty, such that meeting basic food, health and clothing needs can be a real struggle.

With the Divine blessings and grace of the Supreme Pontiff of Hindusim, and as part of the Ishanya Project, KAILASA’s Nithyananda Meditation Academy Center of Toronto, Canada have gathered some 2,500 items of Clothing, and, supporting the full cost of transport and distribution, have sent the 2,500 items of Clothing to the Kotagala region of Sri Lanka.

The Ishanya Project, kicked off by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, His Divine Holiness, Nithyananda Paramashivam in July 2022, is dedicated to raising people out of poverty through the recycling and donating of quality, unwanted Clothing, Foodstuff and Medical Equipment & Supplies to communities in need, through the use of its global network, established over the last 27 years, covering some 144 countries throughout the world.


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