Kundalini – the Macrocosm Within the Microcosm

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Our understanding of Deeksha would be complete with a comprehensive grasp of Kundalini Awakening, which is the power and the purpose behind all Deekshas.

The Vedic worldview is shaped by the principle of the universal hologram, where the tiniest sub-atomic particle holds the key to the secrets of the entire Cosmos. A hologram is a complex structure wherein every part is a complete and faithful reflection of the Whole. 

As a fragment of this universal hologram, every individual is a perfect microcosm, a flawless and adequate representation of the Cosmos.

The Yajur Veda, a primary sacred text of the Vedic civilization, declares:

“Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde”

As in the individual, so in the Cosmos, as in the Cosmos, so in the individual.

And what, indeed, is that mighty force which governs the Cosmos?

Vedic philosophy gave this divine feminine force the name KUNDALINI. Kundalini means ‘the coiled one,’ meaning the infinite untapped potential of the universe.

When Kundalini manifests at the universal level, she is known as Para Kundalini, the supreme power of the Cosmos. When she plays in the individual, she is Kula Kundalini, the gracious mother, the life force that nourishes his body, the energy that empowers his mind, and the conscious power that guides him to his ultimate spiritual fulfillment.

Kundalini has found an honored place in every philosophical tradition of India – whether Yoga, Vedanta, or Tantra. For millennia, Yogis, Rishis, and Siddhas – the enlightened spiritual scientists of India – have given their lives to enrich the science of awakening Kundalini.

To understand Kundalini, we must first understand ourselves. Seventy-two thousand subtle energy channels flow through the human body, called ‘naadis.’ Of these channels, the most prominent is the Sushumna, which runs from the tip of the spine to the crown of the head. Running alongside the Sushumna on either side and crisscrossing it at intervals are the Ida and Pingala naadis. Kundalini energy, or Shakti, is said to ‘sleep’ in each of us in the Muladhara chakra, the energy center at the base of the spine.

The goal of all Kundalini yoga is to awaken and guide this energy safely up the Sushumna Nadi to the Sahasrara, the energy center on the crown of the head, where Paramashiva, or pure Consciousness, resides. The blissful union of Energy and Consciousness, Parashakti and Paramashiva, is Enlightenment, the culmination of all spiritual effort.

Kundalini – our ultimate potential

Kundalini is known by many names – the universal energy, the great cosmic mother, the creative force of the universe. But the simple truth is that Kundalini is the highest potential of every individual, the ultimate expression of creative genius, and the great possibility of each individual’s inner awakening.

The sleeping Kundalini is a metaphor for the unawakened potential inside us. With the first awakening of the Kundalini, it is possible to awaken the Pratyekatma Chaitanya, the individual Consciousness.

The awakening of the Kundalini opens us up to the greater Reality that exists beyond our limited individual selves. It empowers us to harness the Cosmic powers to live complete, fulfilled, and blissful lives. It marks the rite of passage for humans to evolve into the Divine.

In the Yogini Tantra, it is said :

The person’s inner grandeur and glory can be perceived as soon as the Kundalini awakens.

In the yoga-Vedanta tradition, a vast and precise science encompassing thousands of techniques exists to awaken and utilize this enormous latent potential. In Vedic India, this knowledge was accessible to all. Consequently, today’s ‘mystical’ sciences, like levitation, teleportation, and telepathy, were common knowledge among the people, and Enlightenment was the natural state of being.

Living in complete harmony with the flow of Life, these people found joyous expression as creators and leaders in the outer world and enlightened mystics in the inner world.

Over time, our increasing reliance on the faculties of logic and reasoning led to the suppression of these mystical faculties. This sacred science retreated from homes and monasteries into the few secret recesses of the yoga-Vedanta tradition in the Indian sub-continent, where it is preserved in its authentic form today.

Paths to Kundalini Awakening

In the Kaivalya Pada of his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lists the different ways to attain the siddhis resulting from the awakening of Kundalini.

Janma aushadhi mantra tapah samādhijāh siddhayah (4.1)

The mystical powers can happen by birth or through medicines (drugs/ herbs), mantras, spiritual discipline, or through Samadhi.

For the seeker, Kundalini is awakened in different ways: through intense yogic practices lasting a lifetime or longer, through rare and sometimes dangerous medicinal preparations, through the tireless repetition of specific mantras, or through Deeksha – the direct transmission of spiritual energy by an awakened being. Deeksha is the most effortless (and certainly the most beautiful) way to awakening.

One can better appreciate the incomparable gift of Deeksha from the Avatar when one learns about the spiritual effort otherwise necessary to purify the nadis and experience siddhis.

The right time is Now.

The Vedic calendar reveals that our planet is poised for the next giant leap in Consciousness. With humanity becoming ripe for transformation, the world needs the compassionate presence of Avatars and enlightened Kundalini adepts to guide humanity into a safe and natural global Kundalini Awakening.

The human body and brain are already wired to experience a complete Kundalini Awakening – and yet, in our generation, how many have the superbly trained body and mind that can withstand the rigors of such a powerful explosion of Consciousness?

That is why the first instance of the Kundalini Awakening is always, ALWAYS, a pure gift from the spiritual Guru.

He Guru has a triple responsibility: first, to stir awake the enormous spiritual power of Kundalini by the resonance-pressure of His powerful superconscious vibrations; second, to guide this energy safely through the subtle neural pathways of the spine towards the disciple’s crown center; and above all, to shield and protect his fragile body and mind, that might otherwise almost certainly be devastated by this sudden influx of Cosmic force.

The Shiva Samhita declares:

Supta guruprasadena yatha jagarti kundali

Tatha sarvani padmanibhidyante granthayo’pi cha (4.12)

When the Guru’s grace awakens the sleeping Kundalini, all bondages are pierced (broken).

Ascent of Kundalini

When Kundalini ascends the spine through the Sushumna nadi (the main channel of subtle energy), a massive energy influx into the brain results, Kundalini sets up a powerful energy loop as it flows from the thalamus to the cortex, awakening the brain’s latent, unused, non-mechanical parts, mainly the limbic system and the neocortex.

The limbic system is the part of the brain associated with memories linked to emotions. It is also that part of the brain that corresponds mainly to the Third Eye or Ajna chakra, which is the 6th or the final chakra in the body (the 7th chakra known as the Sahasrara chakra or Brahmarandra is not precisely a chakra, but a subtle opening allowing the union of the Kundalini energy with the Cosmic energy).

The opening of the Ajna chakra allows for the unclutching of memories from their associated emotions, allowing for ‘Completion’ or making peace with Life.

With increasing levels of coherence, the whole brain comes alive, becoming a super-conductor of conscious energies that heal, empower, and transform the person’s Life. Enhanced awareness levels, greater creativity, and extraordinary abilities start to express, like levitation, teleportation, and materialization. This influx of superconscious energy also visibly reverses aging and improves immunity to disease.

Kundalini is not just a blind force like electricity. It is a conscious spiritual power of cosmic proportions that knows where to go and what to do. Once awakened, Kundalini rips through millions of years of our human conditioning, firing brand new neurons in our brain, opening up unknown strands of our DNA, flooding us with superhuman energy, retracing our mental blueprint, wiping out our most obstinate karmic patterns, and catapulting us to a whole new level of existence. By awakening the Consciousness of each individual, Kundalini opens the doors to a global revolution of Consciousness.

SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam says:

Time and space do not bind Kundalini’s energy.

Time and space serve Kundalini energy.

For those who are merely watching, the extraordinary effects of Kundalini Awakening can seem like nothing short of a miracle – or a hoax. But SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam says:

There are no miracles. All miracles are perfectly scientific happenings based on natural laws we do not yet understand.

You don’t need to believe in me to awaken your Kundalini energy. It is not a prerequisite for me to awaken your Kundalini energy. To retain the extraordinary experiences and expression of Kundalini energy, you may need to trust some of my words and practice some techniques and teachings. Otherwise, faith is not a prerequisite at any level. Nothing is a prerequisite! It is all just a casual play – a Leela, that’s it!


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