Be Your Own Boss – 7

When you start feeling responsible, it is not that only you are awakened to the external world, you are awakened even to the internal happenings

Be Your Own Boss – 6

A man who is capable of swallowing all the poisons and continue to share the nectar becomes Leader. That is what I call the ability to share love.

Be Your Own Boss – 5

Either you spend your time, life, energy to fulfill your dreams or somebody else will hire you to fulfill theirs.

Be Your Own Boss – 3

When your cognition, depth, is established in the completion, from that completion the ideas of richness you create, will simply become reality.

Be Your Own Boss – 1

You are hard wired to manifest what you want. If you are manifesting difficulties, sufferings, and torture, that is what you want, be assured.


Boons for life manifest from consciousness which starts feeling grateful for what is already showered.

Yoga Webinar Quote 1

Yoga is the science that makes the divine connect with you. Not you to divine. Not drop into the ocean but ocean into the drop.

Satsang 22 April 2018 02

An Individual’s integrity to the Universe is Moksha. A collective understanding of the Cosmic principles is Dharma. Making yourself resourceful… in tune with the Cosmic principles is Artha. Celebrating your existence in tune with the Cosmos is Kama.