The Sacred Secret of Sannyas: Discovering Transcendental Gender and Enlightenment

Explore the profound teachings of Sannyas and the concept of Transcendental Gender, revealing the path to enlightenment beyond societal constructs.
Sannyas SPH Nithyananda

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In the quest for enlightenment, many spiritual seekers encounter various teachings and philosophies. One such teaching comes from Mahaveera, who stated, “Unless you assume the male body, you cannot be enlightened.” However, this perspective can be expanded upon to reveal deeper truths about gender and spiritual awakening.

The Path of Physical Exertion

Mahaveera’s assertion stemmed from his own arduous journey towards enlightenment, which required immense physical strength and endurance. In Jainism, practitioners engage in rigorous practices such as plucking hair by hand and using only ash for cleansing. This physical tapas (austerity) leads to a belief that women may not endure such challenges.

However, I present an important sacred secret: Sannyasis embody a separate gender.

Understanding Gender Beyond Binary

Let us explore the spectrum of gender:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Physically male but psychologically female (gay)
  • Physically female but psychologically male (transgender)

These identities reflect diverse experiences of gender. Yet, there exists an ultimate state known as Transcendental Gender, where one achieves Completion at a bio-memorial level. In this state, pride in being male or female dissolves, allowing both manhood and womanhood to reach their peak.

The Joy of Transcendental Gender

To truly experience enlightenment, one must reach this Transcendental Gender state. It is here that Complete Completion occurs—a joyous existence within one’s body that transcends societal limitations. While this may seem impossible to modern minds, it is essential to recognize that true freedom lies in embracing all possibilities.

Sannyas: Living the Highest Possibility

Sannyas is basically living the highest possibility in a simplest way, in a  casual way, in a joyful way. So, what I define as sannyas is experiencing  orderliness and chaos, chaos and order and ability to live and live both.  Ultimate fusion of Sannyas is completely living the every dimension of you. There is no stone unturned in you. There is no experience untouched in you.  There is no dimension unexplode in you, is sannyas. 

The Ultimate Career

Sannyas is the ultimate career. Career is what? You trying to fulfill one  dimension of you in your life is career. You try to take a IT career, or you  try to became a lawyer, you try to became a doctor, try to become engineer.  You are trying to fulfill one dimension, the professional dimension of you.  That is what you call as a career. Sannyas is the ultimate career where you  can fulfill all dimensions of you. You see, seva is the ultimate creativity,  sannyas gives the option, opportunity for seva and not only that sannyas  gives opportunity for the ultimate intellectual fulfillment, ultimate emotional fulfillment, ultimate being level fulfillment. Intellectual fulfillment you can  … no other career will have, will be exposed to so much knowledge whether in the outer world or in the inner world and second emotional fulfillment,  such a deep fulfillment how… in which career of lifestyle you will have  such a deep emotional fulfillment? Sannyas where you cultivate emotion  and devotion as a lifestyle. It’s a lifestyle where … who can have the  emotional fulfillment of Meera and Andal?  

Sannyas is the only career where you can have the ultimate consciousness  fulfillment. So, Sannyas is the ultimate career, which modern day youth  need to take up. Modern day Indian youth, not only Indian, whole world  modern youth is wasting and abusing their life in depression, drugs and  suicide, death. They are suffering with this 3D, I wanted to show them the  fourth D, the real divine dimension. The fourth dimension of life, divine. So, get out of this 3D problem drug, depression and death and get into the fourth 

A Solution for Modern Youth

Sannyas is the only career where you can have the ultimate consciousness  fulfillment. So, Sannyas is the ultimate career, which modern day youth  need to take up. Modern day Indian youth, not only Indian, whole world  modern youth is wasting and abusing their life in depression, drugs and  suicide, death. They are suffering with this 3D, I wanted to show them the  fourth D, the real divine dimension. The fourth dimension of life, divine. So, get out of this 3D problem drug, depression and death and get into the fourth

Living Sannyas is not just an option; it is a solution for modern youth seeking purpose and fulfillment in life.


The journey towards enlightenment is multifaceted and deeply personal. By understanding the sacred secrets of Sannyas and embracing the concept of Transcendental Gender, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities that lead us closer to Completion. Let us awaken together and explore the vast potential within us all.

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