KAILASA’s karthigai Deepam Festival: 10 Days of Brahmotsavam
These ten days of Brahmotsavam, each day Shiva liberates. Shiva gives enlightenment to one one person. The whole ten-day festival is all about giving enlightenment to different people. On the first day, Adigaranandi Nandi receives enlightenment. The next day, Indra and Devathas receive enlightenment. That is why on the first day of the festival, Shiva […]
Darshan: Face-to-Face with the Cosmos
The word ‘Darshan’ means ‘to have a glimpse of.’ Darshan is traditionally used to describe ‘the moment’ when we behold a deity, an Avatar, a saint, or an Enlightened Being. The experience of Darshan is highly revered in the Vedic tradition, as just seeing such a being can cleanse the karmas of lifetimes and create […]
Third Eye Awakening: Opening the Cosmic Command Center
The ancient Vedic tradition named Ajna Chakra (the sixth chakra) to the Third Eye. Yogic literature describes it as a subtle center of Consciousness in the region between the eyebrows. The word ‘ajna’ means ‘command’. Meditation allows it to become the command center for the being, who receives instructions from Paramashiva. It is also known […]
Kundalini – the Macrocosm Within the Microcosm
Our understanding of Deeksha would be complete with a comprehensive grasp of Kundalini Awakening, which is the power and the purpose behind all Deekshas. The Vedic worldview is shaped by the principle of the universal hologram, where the tiniest sub-atomic particle holds the key to the secrets of the entire Cosmos. A hologram is a […]
Power Manifestation: Science to Manifest Paramashivattva
“Breathe Paramashiva, make people breathe Paramashiva. Manifest Paramashiva, make people manifest Paramashiva!” “Neither there is a law nor there is a logic in Paramashiva’s functioning. There is a tremendous love and integrity to His love. Once you catch His love and His integrity to his love, you will understand that is the way He functions.” […]
Embodying Dharma: Sri Rama’s Legacy
Explore the life of Sri Rama, the epitome of dharma and powerful cognitions, celebrating His grand narrative and the timeless virtues of sacrifice and kingship.
What is Śrāddha Karma?
Śrāddha is an action or obligatory ritual that is done to help the deceased get a new body or get a path of deliverance from their pain. Śrāddha is an offering done unto lord Visnu, who, in the form of Aryaman, accepts the share of offerings on behalf of the pitru. Many of us in […]
One thing you need to know if you are over 60!
Discover the profound truth within – your life energy is eternal, moving and expanding beyond the illusions of birth and death. Unravel the essence of immortality in this article.
Stop destroying yourself with fact-based Living
Context is decisive. When we live our life based on facts, we are stuck with fear and greed. When we live our life with a “reality-based” cognition we will live by radiating grace, power and abundance. This article deals with our current plight of fact based living and what’s possible when we shift our cognition […]
What causes the thought “Am I Depressed…” to arise?
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders to overwhelm our planet in the recent past. This article, provides you with the understanding of this condition as explained by the Vedic Science and what would comprise a solution that works and lasts.