4 Step Process to Living Life Powerfully

We experience life as a series of problems to which we need to find solutions. More often than not, the solutions end up raising a new set of problems to be dealt with. Is there a way to operate in this world that removes the friction that we experience in life and puts us on […]

Nithyananda Yoga: The Most Authentic Yoga from Source Scriptures

The Lineage of Yoga Throughout Hindu history, after the revelation of Yoga by Paramashiva Himself, great Yogis and sadhus practiced Yoga to acquire the best physique and physiology to manifest the state and powers of Paramashiva. This is authentic Yoga. Even 30 years back, Yogananda Puri was alive on Earth, shamelessly showcasing the Shaktis from […]

Hinduism: The Home of Authentic Yoga


Most practitioners of Yoga would agree with the statement that authentic Yoga is a spiritual practice. Still, only some cognize that Yoga is a part of and inseparable from Hinduism. Any attempt to separate the two removes the core component of Yoga and leaves behind a mere physical exercise and some breathing techniques. Yoga is […]

What is Maheshwara Puja?


Maheshwara Puja is the oldest recorded ritual prevalent even today in the Vedic tradition. In the Maheshwara Puja, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam Himself receives the puja and the naivedyam Bhiksha – the food offering. It is offered in the memory of a person who is no more—known to offer spiritual healing, completion, peace, and bliss […]

Why One Must Offer Maheshwara Puja?

The Hindu scriptures say that the son must serve his parents both when they are alive and after they have passed away by performing the Shradha to liberate the departed souls. The Garuda Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Vayu Purana, Agni Purana, Matsya Purana, and Markandeya Purana all mention the importance of these rites. Whatever our […]

Connect With Paramaśiva and Manifest the Ultimate in Your Being

Shivaratri Bhasma Abhishekam

As a living manifestation of Paramaśiva, I bless you all on this auspicious Mahāparamaśivarātri. Paramaśiva’s direct message from MahāKailāsa on this auspicious Mahāparamaśivarātri: Blessings. Blessings. Blessings. Let all the auspiciousness land on this universe when the avyakta unmanifest become manifest, when the formless manifested into form, the timeless manifested into time, nameless manifested… manifested into […]

Nithya Kriyas – Restoring Hatha Yoga to the world


Nithya Kriya is a series of healing yogic processes revealed by THE SPH BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM. Nithya Kriya is unique in that the knowledge and techniques are drawn from India’s most authentic sacred yogic scriptures. At the same time, the specific combinations are expressed from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s personal experience. He is an established yogi; […]

The story of how river Ganga came to Earth

The river Ganga is the holiest in India, possibly in the world. One famous king is responsible for giving us humans this treasure. This river used to flow in the heavens, but this king was able to bring the river Ganga down to Earth. His name was Bhagiratha. He was from the Suryavansha dynasty and […]

Mahashivaratri: Timeless Beginnings

This Shivaratri is observed and celebrated to celebrate My manifestation from Nishkala Svarupa and everything that exists. From My pure formlessness, unclutched Nishkala Svarupa space, I manifested and continue to manifest everything that exists. From that space, I manifested as everything that exists: Nirvikalpa, Niranjana, Nirakara, and Nishkala Svarupa. This manifestation is the Lingodbhava in […]

Significance of Karthigai Deepam Festival

deepam arthi on mahadeepam

On this auspicious day, Paramashiva appeared as Jyotirlinga, Lingodbhava in Arunachala. The place where this happened is Arunachala. And today is the day Paramashiva gives Parashakti, the internal space in himself, to become Ardhanarishvara. Beautiful, wonderful happenings happened on this day. Listen to the story. The story has too much significance. Listen. Brahma is the […]